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Tips to Keep Your Mercedes-Benz Clean & Organized

It can be rather difficult to keep the inside of your Mercedes-Benz organized. This problem is compounded if you happen to have children. No matter how hard you try to keep your car free of clutter, it seems like the battle never ends. If you struggle to find anything in your car when you need it the most, continue reading to discover some tried and tested to keep get better organized.

Make Cleaning a Habit

If you want to keep your car free of trash, you must make it a habit to clean the inside of your car at least once a week. This does not have to take a lot of time. While you might want to do a deep clean every month or so, vacuuming and dusting the inside of the car only takes 10-15 minutes of your time. The difference it will make in how good you feel while driving is immense.

Focus on the Center Console

If you are one of those drivers who just throws everything they have in the center console, you will have trouble finding anything in a matter of weeks. Take some time to organize that console and put the items that you rely on the most right at your fingertips. You will then be able to locate what you need in the blink of an yet, while the inside of the car remains free of that unsightly clutter.

Keep the Food Away

Only in rare situations should you eat in the car. Food is a major contributor to trash. It can also result in dreadful smells that you definitely want to have invading your car. If you will stick to a policy of no food in the car, you will be much better off as a result.

Check Out the Glove Box

Consider arranging the items in your glove box in a nice, compact file. This will keep all of your documents together in one place and allow you easy access when you need them.


These few tips will go a long ways towards keep your car clean and looking great. If you find that your vehicle requires service, contact Jeff's Mercedes Auto Service right away. We will be happy to take care of you.