There is no doubt you have asked yourself this question at one point. There are two types of gases prevalent in the automobile industry: premium gas and regular gas. Most vehicles are designed for regular unleaded gas, and that functions perfectly well. However, there are some luxury or high-end performance cars that require premium gas.
Premium gas is a super or high-performance fuel with a higher-octane rating compared to the 95-octane rating of standard fuels. The high octane rating of the premium fuel, which is approximately 98, improves the engine's efficiency and boosts the vehicles' performance. There are different versions of super fuel for diesel vehicles with a higher cetane rating. Premium gas costs approximately 60 cents more than a gallon of regular gas and 25 cents more than midrange gas.
Cars are designed to run optimally with a specific type of fuel. We recommend sticking to the manufacturer's gas recommendations to avert any complications with the vehicle. Typically, a high octane gas does not easily ignite, and for this reason, it is recommended for powerful cars with high compression engines. On the other hand, a lower octane level than the recommended reduces the car's power and affects the fuel economy, causing car damages.
The gas you choose should match the recommended octane level for your vehicle. If your car requires premium gas, which has a higher-octane rating, ensure you use it to maintain the engine's optimum functionality and safety. On the other hand, if the car manual recommends regular fuel, there is no point in spending extra cash on premium fuel. Failure to use the recommended fuel on your car may affect the engine's combustion causing it to combust too fast or delay combustion.
Using either gas does not cause any significant harm; neither does it cause any tangible benefit. You can always use premium fuel if you want and if your budget allows you. However, sticking to the manual's gas preference ensures your automobile's longevity and maintains its functionality. If you need vehicle repair or service, don't hesitate to give our Mercedes-Benz repair shop a call today.